
uptownBasel – the 70,000 square meter new international centre of excellence for Industry 4.0


  • On 25 February 2025, the sixth event in the joint series «Digitalization – what now?» by uptownBasel and the Responsible Digital Society research network of the University of Basel took place in the auditorium of the Kollegienhaus. It was inspiring to see how many committed people, including many students and teachers from schools in Basel and Basel-Landschaft, came together to explore the future of artificial intelligence in education. After the welcoming address by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, Rector of the University of Basel, Urs Gredig moderated an exciting discussion with Prof. Dr. Thomas Grob, Vice Rector for Education at the University of Basel, Dr. Christian Marty, founder and CEO of evulpo AG, and Karin Vallone, Head of Education at the Handelskammer beider Basel. Prof. Heiko Schuldt, co-director of the RDS, and Hans-Jörg Fankhauser from uptownBasel thanked all participants and gave the closing remarks. We look forward to organizing exciting events in the future and presenting further interesting topics in the field of AI.

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  • The Board of Directors of uptownBasel AG has appointed Bardo Magel as the new CEO of the uptownBasel Group. Bardo Magel, a qualified real estate agent and real estate manager, is an internationally experienced real estate specialist with a focus on asset management, acquisitions and transaction management. Most recently, he was a member of the Executive Board at AFIAA Real Estate Investment AG, Zurich, where he was responsible for the management of a global portfolio of commercial real estate and led the global asset management with teams in Zurich, New York and Sydney. Bardo Magel will take over the management of the uptownBasel Group on July 1, 2025 at the latest, succeeding Baschi Dürr, who as the first CEO of the uptownBasel Group has built up the corporate and operational structure over the past four years. Until Bardo Magel officially takes up his post, the Board of Directors, represented by Felix Gähwiler, will coordinate the operational organization.

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  • The long-standing collaboration between uptownBasel, the international competence center for Industry 4.0 in Arlesheim near Basel, and Primeo Energie has reached further milestones with the signing of two contracts: the rental agreement for the waste heat transfer center and the comprehensive site management contract. The waste heat generated at uptownBasel will be able to heat several thousand apartments in Münchenstein, Arlesheim and Reinach in the near future.

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  • QuantumBasel and uptownBasel have reached a significant milestone and inaugurated Switzerland’s first physical quantum computer. The IonQ Forte Enterprise System will shape the innovation landscape in Switzerland and provide access to advanced quantum computing and AI for businesses and academic institutions. With the partnership between QuantumBasel and IonQ, the Arlesheim site will become the European center for quantum computing and AI, promoting sustainable technological advances.

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  • The University of Basel and QuantumBasel announce a collaboration to develop the Center for Quantum Computing (QC2) into a leading center for quantum innovation in Switzerland. This partnership strengthens research and exchange between academia and industry to promote Switzerland’s competitiveness in quantum computing.

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  • The entire governments of the cantons of Baselland and Lucerne, headed by presidents Isaac Reber and Reto Wyss, visited uptownBasel. The tour offered insights into quantum computing and the world of New Work and showed how innovative ways of working are being implemented in today’s business world. The government representatives listened to discussions between investors and start-ups. This exchange underlines the importance of cooperation between politics and business as well as the supra-regional appeal of the uptownBasel innovation campus.

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  • Two exciting events are taking place next week at uptownBasel/Quantum Basel.

    The Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland will take place on September 23, 2024. This event brings together academic and industrial research to promote exchange and accelerate the development of new quantum products. The program includes lectures, panel discussions and networking opportunities in the fields of quantum computing, quantum measurement, quantum instrumentation and quantum communication.

    Superposition GenAI will take place on September 24, 2024. This event will bring together experts to explore synergies between generative AI and quantum computing. There will be an opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss the needs of the public sector and industrial applications.

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  • On August 14, 2024, our event “AI in Sport” took place at uptownBasel in collaboration with the Responsible Digital Society Research Network of the University of Basel. It was inspiring to see how many dedicated people from the sports and technology world came together to explore the future of artificial intelligence in sports. Under the moderation of Urs Gredig, Lea Bachmann, Solange Emmenegger and Martin Rumo discussed the topic. A big thank you to all participants for their valuable insights!

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  • Today, the chip of Switzerland’s first physical, commercially viable quantum computer arrived in Switzerland. This marks a significant milestone for Switzerland and strengthens the role of QuantumBasel, an uptownBasel Group company, as a neutral quantum hub and international innovation ecosystem.

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  • The theme of the Swiss Energy Forum 2024 is «The elephant in the room – or: How can grey energy be reduced and used?». Since the beginning of the energy crisis at the latest, we have known that the rapid conversion of our energy supply system to fossil-free and renewable is absolutely essential. For this to actually happen, the solutions must be economical, at least in the medium to long term. Using concrete examples from research and major projects currently underway, our partners will show how smart production, utilisation and storage can already make energy consumption more efficient and cheaper today. On 12 June 2024 at the uptownBasel event hub in Arlesheim: Register now!

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  • After the first edition in September 2022, the second Industrienacht Basel will take place on 19 April 2024. Once again, the Industry Night will open up new perspectives on fascinating working environments throughout the Basel region – and once again, uptownBasel and the companies of the Competence Centre will be there: everyone is cordially invited!

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  • On 23 January 2024, uptownBasel and the interdisciplinary research network Responsible Digital Society (RDS) at the University of Basel hosted another edition of the event series «Digitalisation – what now?». This time, the film screening followed by a panel discussion focused on the opportunities and risks of AI on the labour market.

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  • Birstal Heating Network: Wood-fired boilers are installed

    The new, sustainable Birstal heating network is making great strides forward. The two wood-fired boilers are currently being installed in the future heating centre on the uptownBasel site. A heat pump will be added at a later date.

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  • Movie Screening and Panel Discussion on the Topic of AI and Creativity

    On 22 August 2023, another edition of the event series “Digitalisation – What now?” was held by uptownBasel and the interdisciplinary research network Responsible Digital Society (RDS) of the University of Basel. This time, the film screening followed by a panel discussion was centered around the question of the difference between human and AI-generated creativity.

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  • Energy Apéro beider Basel: Explore uptownBasel on August 30, 2023

    The Schorenareal in Arlesheim is being developed into a modern hub for Industry 4.0, with high energy density and efforts to utilize this energy optimally. During the visit to uptownBasel, we provide six insights into various thematic areas: quantum computing, electric mobility management, bidirectional charging and solar power, area development with sustainability labels, and the central hub of the Birsstadt heat network.

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  • Land exchange with the canton - Conclusion of the municipal neighborhood plan procedure

    International Competence Center for Industry 4.0 achieves important milestones together with Baselland and Arlesheim.

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  • IonQ and QuantumBasel Partner to Achieve Future Quantum Advantages With Deployment of Two Generations of IonQ Quantum Systems in Europe

    QuantumBasel, a company of the uptownBasel group, is making rapid progress in the dissemination of quantum computing. Through a long-term partnership with the US quantum computer manufacturer IonQ, QuantumBasel solidifies its status as a neutral quantum hub with access to the world’s leading quantum computers and an international innovation ecosystem. As of now, customers and partners of QuantumBasel have access to ion trap-based quantum computers. Additionally, starting in 2024, the first commercially usable quantum computer in Switzerland will be available on the uptownBasel premises. IonQ will establish its innovation center for the entire EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa) on the campus. With this development, QuantumBasel expands its already successful partnerships with IBM and D-Wave Systems by adding another quantum technology partner.

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  • Invitation to Open House Day

    Experience the unique rooftop terrace of uptownBasel next Saturday, June 10th! Visit us between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Schorenweg 44B in Arlesheim and don’t miss the opportunity to discover our impressive rooftop terrace.


  • Successful US-Switzerland Quantum Symposium: Expansion of cooperation planned to include seven countries

    In uptownBasel, 30 quantum technology luminaries ensured a full house and shared exciting insights at the first US-Switzerland Quantum Symposium, from March 27 to 28, 2023. The first day of the symposium saw a successful meeting of the research and industry communities. Together with its partners, QuantumBasel decided to establish the Quantum Symposium as an annual international conference, and plans to expand cooperation to seven countries, including the USA, Japan, Israel and the Netherlands.

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  • New pipeline bridge for future heating network Birsstadt mounted

    It is an important milestone for the Birsstadt heating network: In the night of the 8th to the 9th of February, the new pipeline bridge over the A18 highway was mounted, connecting the future heating centre on the uptownBasel site with heating networks in Reinach. The Reinach Nord highway exit had to be closed temporarily for this event.

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  • Movie screening and panel discussion as part of the event series «Digitisation - and now what?»

    On the 25th of January 2023, the second edition of the event series «Digitisation – and now what?», organised by uptownBasel and the interdisciplinary research network Responsible Digital Society (RDS) at the University of Basel, took place. This time, the movie screening followed by a panel discussion focused on the question of sustainability of modern information and communication technologies.

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  • uptownBasel opens first quantum computer hub for commercial use in Switzerland

    uptownBasel Infinity Corp., the newest company in the uptownBasel Group, led by internationally recognised ICT expert Damir Bogdan, opened the Center of Competence for Quantum and Artificial Intelligence “QuantumBasel” yesterday together with IBM, D-Wave Systems and other national and international partners.

    QuantumBasel is the first centre of competence in Switzerland to offer companies access to quantum technology. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are used to create innovative solutions in the fields of life sciences, industrial manufacturing and sustainability.

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  • Primeo Energie Builds a Climate-Friendly Substation Exclusively for uptownBasel

    On the 22nd of September 2022, the foundation stone was laid for the new substation on the uptownBasel site. Starting at the end of next year, it will supply the Innovation Campus in Arlesheim with electricity. This is the first time that Primeo Energie has built a substation for a single customer. The Münchenstein-based energy provider is once again relying on climate-friendly technology.

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  • The Industry Night Regio Basel 2022 Was a Great Success

    The first Industry Night Regio Basel took place on 16 September2022. Over 1000 interested people visited uptownBasel in one night. Together with the tenants, visitors were shown in the «Pioneer» building why the future is being created in uptownBasel.

  • Official opening of uptownBasel, the international competence centre for Industry 4.0

    On Thursday, 8 September 2022, the uptownBasel competence centre in Arlesheim (BL) was ceremonially opened together with the cantonal government and 150 guests from business, academia, and politics. The tenants include the European technology groups Bouygues E&S and Vinci Energies with the brands Axians and Actemium, and will soon include the Straumann Group. Within an estimated ten years, uptownBasel will become an incubator for innovation and technology transfer as well as a showcase project with respect to sustainability – with nine buildings for 50 international companies and around 2,500 workplaces on an area of over 70,000 square metres.

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  • Movie Screening and Panel Discussion on the Topic of Cyber Security

    On the 26th of August 2022, the industry hub uptownBasel and the interdisciplinary research network Responsible Digital Society (RDS) of the University of Basel hosted a movie screening on the topic of cyber security followed by a panel discussion in the event hall on the Schorenareal in Arlesheim.

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  • First Venture Day in uptownBasel

    Last week the first ever Venture Day took place in uptownBasel, jointly hosted with Startup INVEST and Plug and Play. Venture Day was a matchmaking event for deep tech startups to showcase and connect with a network of investors, corporates and support organizations.


  • Design Competition in Collaboration with The University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.

    Students from the Industrial Design and Interior Architecture degree programme jointly develop a concept for the co-working space. uptownBasel is developing a large industrial site in Arlesheim. The operating company has built its own office in an older building on the site. It is currently only temporarily equipped, yet it is to be designed and furnished for the future. uptownBasel encourages co-working, co-creation and agile working. For this purpose, the students had the opportunity to design a modern scenography that rethinks conventional office design. The collaboration of design and scenography resulted in exciting, innovative and versatile concepts.

  • uptownBasel With New Energy Centre for CHF 50 Million - Primeo Energie creates «Wärmeverbund Birsstadt»

    We live sustainability: In the Birstal, 25 existing heating plants and networks are merging and being converted to renewable energies. The centrepiece is the new energy centre on the uptownBasel site, which uses waste heat and biomass to produce heat. This will form the «Wärmeverbund Birsstadt» of Primeo Energie near Basel. Construction of the CHF 50 million plant is scheduled to begin in summer 2022.

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  • Press Release: uptownBasel, BuildingMinds and The Institute of Digital Construction of The FHNW Bring a Digital Twin Into The World

    Exhibition of the digital twin at Swissbau 2022 in Basel

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  • Plug and Play Tech Center Brings 200 People From The Start-Up Community to uptownBasel

    On Thursday, our partner Plug and Play celebrated the launch and the first Selection Day in uptownBasel. With around 200 guests and numerous keynote speeches and panels, the event was a great success. Saeed Amidi, CEO of Plug and Play Global, Thomas Staehelin, Chairman of uptownBasel, and Daniela Bar-Gera, Head of Plug and Play Basel, opened the event. Afterwards, ten start-ups applied for a place in the Accelerator Programme, which will start in uptownBasel at the beginning of May.

  • Technology Company Actemium Starts Operations in uptownBasel

    As of today, around 100 Actemium employees are working in uptownBasel. The newest company in the international competence centre for Industry 4.0 offers innovative solutions in the field of electrical, automation and IT technology for networked industrial and building automation. Furthermore, Actemium, a brand of the technology group VINCI Energies, together with its sister company Axians, operates the Security Operations Center (SOC) in uptownBasel, a centre for the defence against cyber attacks on IT and OT infrastructures that is unique in Europe. uptownBasel and the employees of the resident companies welcomed their new colleagues at the traditional Welcome Lunch.

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  • Arlesheim says YES To uptownBasel

    We are very grateful to Arlesheim: The decision of the municipal assembly on the Untere Weiden II neighbourhood plan is an important milestone for the implementation of uptownBasel – and our obligation to continue to realise the project carefully and in close consultation with all stakeholders.

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  • Sustainable Site Development - How Does It Work Today?

    Largescale projects can have a great leverage effect. The site development project uptownBasel aims to upgrade the abandoned industrial site in Schoren – in terms of the buildings, the surroundings and the ecological network.

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  • The Skydeck Is Being Built On Top Of Building 1

    In uptownBasel, we not only work and manufacture, develop and trade, we also live: The “soft factors” for the employees of our companies are just as important to us. One of the highlights is the unique roof garden on Building 1, which invites you every day for a coffee break, a casual exchange or simply a “break”. Events of all kinds can also be held – from office festivities to customer events to film screenings.

  • Press Release Plug and Play: Opening Of the First Innovation Platform in Switzerland in uptownBasel

    Plug and Play, the world’s largest innovation enabler, is pleased to announce the launch of its new open innovation platform in Basel, Switzerland, in collaboration with its first founding partner, uptownBasel.

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  • Axians Presents Its New SOC in uptownBasel

    Axians invited the public to a pre-opening tour of its new and updated Security Operations Centre at uptownBasel in Arlesheim. The talk was all about the new location and the international partnership between Axians and its clients.

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  • New Addition To uptownBasel – Straumann Invests in Arlesheim

    The Basel medical technology group is investing CHF 18 million in a new Technology and Innovation Centre on the former Schoren site. The Group’s head office will remain in Basel.

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  • A Warm Welcome to Bouygues Energies & Services – Our First Tenant!

    We opened our Innovations Campus on the 26th of July with Bouygues Energies & Services as our first tenant. After three years of preparation and two-and-a-half years of construction, the first building was ready to move into. Here are a few impressions of our first day.

  • Press Release, 26 July 2021

    uptownBasel has welcomed its first tenants– around 190 employees of Bouygues Energies & Services Schweiz AG.

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  • uptownBasel and Swissmem Enter Into Gold Partnership

    We are pleased to have signed a six-year partnership agreement with Swissmem. In the coming years, the innovation campus uptownBasel in Arlesheim will act as a gold partner and sponsor in the preparations for the World Skills championship.
    Read Eugen Albisser’s fascinating article about uptownBasel on the magazine of Technik und Wissen – the trade magazine for the industry.

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  • Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0 – explained by Swissmem, the association of Swiss mechanical, electrical and metalworking industries, and related technology-oriented sectors.

  • Swissbau 2020 – a Huge Success!

    At the Swissbau Innovation Lab, uptownBasel provided the ideas laboratory for the partner teams, which came together in a collaborative atmosphere to develop new approaches and ideas.
    Find out more in the making-of video.

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  • SRF on Innovative Collaboration

    An innovative solution should increase safe distances on building sites. The Co-Creation LAB at the uptownBasel campus responded swiftly to the COVID 19 crisis and developed its own product. The prototype will soon be production-ready.

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  • Construction Begins on Building 1

    A new centre of excellence for Industry 4.0 is to be built on the old industrial site on Schorenweg in Arlesheim. Scheduled to take several years, construction on the first large building began on the 26th of March 2019.

  • Media Conference of 26 September 2016

    Media conference of the 26th of September 2016 with Thomas Weber, President of the Cantonal Council Arlesheim (BL), Schoren site.

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  • Media Conference of 7 June 2019

    The official uptownBasel foundation stone was laid with the cantonal government of Basel-Landschaft as part of the media conference.

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